Merchant & Developer FAQs

Common questions from merchants:

I have a merchant account with the bank for my EFTPOS terminal, will that work for e-commerce?

To use Paystation as your payment gateway for eCommerce you will need to setup a ‘Linked Gateway’ merchant account with your bank. You may have an existing merchant account for your EFTPOS terminal, however a ‘Linked Gateway’ merchant account is different to other merchant accounts and is required for eCommerce.

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How much does your service cost?

This depends on what product you are using, but for our most common products the costs are as follows:

Online Payments: One off setup fee $149 with three different account types - Online Starter $39 per month (100 include transactions), Online Growth $99 per month (300 included transactions) and Online Enterprise $149 per month (500 included transactions). We have volume pricing available on request. Your bank will have their own merchant services fees which they will quote you directly. For more info see our Website Payments section.

Manual Payments: One off set up fee $99, Monthly fee $19 including 75 transactions, with a transaction fee of 32c per transaction over the 75 transactions provided monthly. Your bank will have their own merchant services fees which they will quote you directly. For more info see our Manual Payments section.

All prices are GST exclusive.

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How do I setup a merchant account for Paystation?

To use Paystation as your payment gateway you will need to contact one of the following banks and ask to setup a Linked Gateway merchant account. You may already have an existing merchant account, however a ‘Linked Gateway’ merchant account is required.

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ANZ 0800 473 453
ASB 0800 272 555 (option 3)
BNZ 0800 737 774
Kiwibank 0800 601 601
Westpac 0800 888 066 (option 3)
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What banks do you offer services for?

In New Zealand we support ANZ, ASB, BNZ, Westpac and Kiwibank. We support some Australian banks as well. For a full list see this page.

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What credit card types can I accept?

Paystation supports many different card types, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Q Card, POLi, and MasterPass. Find more information here.

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Do you have term contracts?

Paystation operate on a 30 day account roll over. Meaning we only require 30 days notice to change or cancel an account. If Paystation provide bespoke pricing then we may sign you up for a 24 month term at our discretion. 

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Can I accept Internet Banking (POLi)?

We add POLi gateways onto a Paystation account free of charge. POLi will have their own merchant fees that they charge you (the merchant), but our fees remain unchanged.

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How do I perform refunds?

Login to your Paystation account at Go to the page called Transactions then select a search by date range, merchant reference, amount, transaction identifier, or the first 6 and last 3 digits of a credit card. When you have found the relevant transaction select View Details and the refund option is underneath the transaction Summary. Select either a partial, or leave the full amount and select Refund.

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I want to use a specific shopping cart, can I use your payment gateway?

For a full list of supported shopping carts go here.

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Can I accept payments from overseas customers?

With Paystation you can accept payments all major credit cards. This includes International cards.

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When do I receive my money?

Generally speaking most banks will deposit in your settlement account the next business day, while ASB offer same day settlement, 7 days a week for their merchants. A settlement period typically starts at 10.30pm and ends the next day at 10.30pm. Some banks will allow you to have a variable settlement window, meaning you can set the settlement time. This requires bank approval and a change to your account on the national switch, then an account change by Paystation.

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I don’t have an e-commerce website, can I still use your payment gateway?

Many of our customers have what we call a Manual Payments account with us. You can use Paystation to process Card Not Present transactions, or use other Manual Payments products like PayMe. You still need to open a merchant facility with your bank. Find out more about Manual Payments here.

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Can I try out your services before signing up?

We can set up a test or development account at our discretion. Just call or email to find out how. 

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If I change banks can I still use your service?

You can change your merchant facility with your bank and still use Paystation as long as it's with one of our supported banks.

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Can I have multiple websites on the one Paystation account?

We call this adding additional gateways. Just get in touch with our friendly team and let them know you want to add an additional payment gateway to your account. 

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Common questions from developers:

Can I have a development account set up for integration?

Setting up a development account is easy. Just send us an email to requesting one.

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Go here to fill out the Go Live Form

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